2023 Novel Coronavirus (2023-nCoV) information 

The Health Emergency Response Office ensures that health incidents and emergencies affecting the University community are addressed in a timely, efficient, and effective manner. Learn more about the Health Emergency Response Office.

Join U of MN Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) 

MRC Registry: Update your information

Upcoming Events

Please check back later for upcoming events.

Director's Update



We develop campus-level plans and procedures that address a variety of health incident and emergency scenarios. 

Pre-event planning

The Medical Reserve Corps offers students, staff, and faculty from the health sciences, Boynton Health, and Student Counseling Services opportunities to be of service during a public health emergency or disaster. 

Medical Reserve Corps

We have developed online and in-person training materials and modules for the University of Minnesota community. We can also help set-up department-hosted training sessions upon request.

